
Product Center

We are committed to providing customers worldwide with efficient and innovative air filters and air filtration equipment and systems

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Cambridge BIBO

Cambridge BIBO


1. BAG-IN BAG-OUT (BIBO) sealed replaceable filter box.
2. Pressure resistant type can be manufactured.
3. It can be made vertically or horizontally.
4. It can meet the requirements of verification and test.
5. The proposal can be adjusted for different customers.

Product Description

浦城县| 左云县| 章丘市| 观塘区| 大城县| 张家川| 濮阳县| 霍山县| 威远县| 铁岭市| 乐安县| 甘泉县| 金堂县| 兴城市| 易门县| 武义县| 建昌县| 镇原县| 图木舒克市| 长寿区| 胶州市| 定襄县| 哈密市| 玉山县| 历史| 屏东县| 白山市| 汽车| 阳信县| 汪清县| 大竹县| 龙江县| 龙井市| 德令哈市| 托克逊县| 虹口区| 莫力| 靖宇县| 新密市| 棋牌| 比如县|